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During the Second World War the armies developed secret codes. The US Army began using facile a pitiful obvious metaphors. Plane was replaced by the word "bird"; bomber for "pregnant bird" and the tanks were "turtles." The "pregnant bird" sounded childish regarding the messages which produced the sophisticated machine invented by the Germans.

Between whiskey and whiskey came up with they could take advantage of the Navajo Indians to design, with the language of his people, a code as impenetrable as the Enigma machine code. The Navajo language is exclusively spoken, does not have written representation, so it was the perfect vehicle for transmitting a secret code. The Navajo code was so competent that could never be deciphered by the Japanese Imperial Army.

When the war ended, they returned to the Navajo reservation without any privileges. However, the members of that curious military contingent, were called by the other soldiers Windtalkers, or those who speak with the wind.

In the midst of other discussion about immigration in this country, and after many amendments thereon, died the last one of them. The word that referred to the United States in Navajo was "ne-he-mah", which today I found that means "Our mother".

Freud aside, say as a tribute to these Men who shared their prairie with those Dutch, English and Scots kids, a deeply felt word to the wind.

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